World Clock

The Idea

I found a bunch of clocks on clearance at IKEA a few years back and had the idea to make a world clock. Then the clocks sat in a drawer for about 5 years ๐Ÿ˜ง. But the time finally came to put it together ๐Ÿ˜„.

The Build

Originally I bought 9 clocks with the intention of making the finished product a square, but then I lost one of them in a move, so a rectangle it became. I wrote small python script to help with the intial layout and then added the lettering and did some final touch-up in inkscape. The face of the clock is veneer MDF that I ordered from Ponoko. Once I had the MDF, the rest was carefully assembled with a liberal amount of hot glue. Eventually I plan to set up the whole clock to run on USB power, but for now it takes 8 batteries.

The Result

It's a clock Clock face detail